No Questions - Check Online For Natural Plastic Measure Measuring Scoops - Scoops

No Questions - Check Online For Natural Plastic Measure Measuring Scoops

No Questions - Check Online For Natural Plastic Measure Measuring Scoops Specification & Features Product Name: 1 Ounce (30mL) Natu...

Natural Plastic Measure Measuring Scoops

No Questions - Check Online For Natural Plastic Measure Measuring Scoops

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: 1 Ounce (30mL) Natural Plastic Measure, Pack of 25 Measuring Scoops
  • Brand: OnlineScienceMall
  • Color: White

  • Total holding capacity of 30mL (1 fluid ounce)
  • Made of polypropylene
  • 3x1.07x1.61 inches (LxHxW)
  • Pack of 25 measuring scoops

Made of polypropylene these opaque measuring cups are capable of holding up to 1 fluid ounce or 30mL. It measures 1.07" high and 3" in length (including the handle) with a width of 1.61". It features a sturdy handle that has been molded from the back of the plastic measuring scoop. Each one is produced using FDA lot traceable materials and is certified ISO 90012008.

Comments List

  • Natural Plastic Measure Measuring Scoops Reviews:

    When I don't have a gift idea or as I was soon to find one before the fateful date :P, I turn to a gift card. Immediately, I thought of an Amazon gift card. In fact, the site offers a wide choice of products and shipping is, as always, very fast. Finally, the small presentation case is very cute (black with node orange). Completely satisfied, I recommend it! the gift card arrived very quickly. It was in a box "gift". I've packed anyway (for the surprise). She has served almost immediately and with ease. My husband had just bought the kindle, and his greatest pleasure are the books in a foreign language and he immediately invested, to his taste! I am very satisfied with this purchase, which to me has greatly facilitated the choice of a small gift! It is great for complete gifts, or simply when we are short of ideas for christmas and the small box is more friendly than gift certificates.. By definition, it was a gift, therefore, without content. The principle, however, is very interesting, since the printing is done at home and that the shipment is personal. On the other hand, I don't know the suite that was given to him... not in detail in any case. It is quick, fast, and effective, we choose the amount we wish, and all this without moving from his chair, and without a never-ending line. In addition to the person to whom it offers, take what she wants! In short, simply awesome! Very good service thank you.
  • Cheap Natural Plastic Measure Measuring Scoops:

    The site was a little difficult to navigate due to difference in language but I got there and the voucher was effectively delivered.. Gift card received within time but without the word custom and... with the invoice (which is not very serious seen that the amount of it is fairly predictable but still, it makes way with a gift). Ich habe diese Karte year meine Neffen in Frankreich geschickt. Ich fand das Motiv sehr hübsch und lustig und der Versand war völlig problemlos. Ein schönes Geschenk! this is the first time that I order gift cards in AmazonAchetées for my two sons-in-law for Christmas, I wanted to change a little this year and having read the positive reviews, I opted for these cards to offrirJ'I liked the presentation, the boxes are really very nice, I think they will be able to take pleasure in all the different shops of the site, it is this wide selection which finally prevailed in my decisiongood gift idea when you want to do pleasure in leaving the choice.. receiving the dice, the next morning, very early!! Offer a gift, it is convenient because you can make the purchase of home without the difficulty and in addition, it is the certainty of pleasure because the person who receives it buys what it wants. Nothing wrong, the delivery was very fast, it is a perfect gift idea. The packaging is pretty, which doesn't hurt. The gift certificate is a good idea when you don't... (idea) And the site is rich enough, to find pleasure, at prices very interesting....
  • Cheap 1 Ounce 30mL:

    This gift card is perfect! Unlike many stores, it is valid for 10 years. Add it to your account and use it as. I recommend! Packaging design, good effect guaranteed! The cards are cumulative, so you can also just use a part and then the rest in another purchase, etc, so It is very flexible, I recommend this article! gift card to offer for different occasions but most importantly, it is valid for 10 years after you apply it to your account! it leaves time to see it coming and choose what we want to to head rested! I find the idea very nice, probably not the most original, but certainly the most convenient when you should give pleasure to someone does not necessarily know the tastes. I personally have never sent a gift card, but I've received recently. I was able to choose exactly what I wanted on the site, I encountered no problem, neither to order, nor for pay. Therefore, it is an idea that I remember. Giving pleasure to someone far from home, I found the solution check perfect gift, especially because it leaves the choice of gift in the container. And delivery via the internet... what more simple? Christmas gift that I offered to my son (23 years old), he was delighted, he offered what pleased him, and to me more the concern of m' be deceivedCard delivered the next day: perfect. This formula has the advantage of offering a gift to a distance that the recipient chooses and transforms into what he really like or what they really need.
  • Best Buy 1 Ounce 30mL:

    This is the way for me, the most practical and easy to send a gift to my nieces and my brother who live in France since I'm in Quebec. I avoid all the transportation costs that are exorbitant and they can choose what they want, it is a Christmas gift that has made a huge pleasure.. For a last minute gift, very convenient as instant download of a cute little card. And then leaving the choice there is on not to disappoint... January 1, 2016, a new european regulation governing the banking failures shall enter into force : the "bail-in" (look for "directive BRRD"). When a bank will find itself in difficulty due to paris risky, it may submit the invoice to its shareholders, and its creditors... and its customers! The european bankers have been putting pressure on european authorities to ensure that this new regulation enters into force as soon as possible... everything is going so well (I'll spare you the state of health insurance companies and some states over-indebted, etc.). So to avoid a "haircut" type Cyprus, treat yourself to a gift card to Amazon because the money on an Amazon account is out of the reach of the banks and the State (excluding the rise in VAT) ! The idea and the principle are just great!!!! Thus no mistake in the choice of the book.... The person who receives the voucher can choose what is to their taste. Convenient, fast...
  • On Sale 1 Ounce 30mL:

    maisdommage that one is not accused by mel of the good reception of the gift and its use.. very convenient for the sake of distance and, thus, leave the choice of purchase, Amazon is a very large store or there is always THE gift of his dreams, a box very original, prompt delivery and timeliness of delivery. This is perfect, thank you again. The principle is easy, flexible and suitable for everyone. The note is not maximum, because there should be more graphics to the card... This is not the first time that I use the gift vouchers, for the same people. The next year, I will be running out of pictures... The person has been able to offer more gifts than I first thought. Suddenly, she was super happy. I was not sure that a "simple" gift card to be fun so am, in the end, glad that Amazon offers this service. To meet children who are distant, in a simple and effective solution is to send a gift voucher that they will be able to convert it into a gift more suited to their desires. Note that Amazon is very reactive and very effective to solve the problems that may occur in transit. Bravo's "Amazon". Perfect! Usable immediately. As a result of delivery problem on another site, I had no gift for a birthday party taking place the same evening.
  • 1 Ounce 30mL Reviews:

    This purchase saved me! super the gift card in its gift box. useless to make a gift package, the box is beautiful. and it is with pleasure that I offered, being sure to make the right choice. Very popular present for relative abroad. This is an easy present for us and it saves posting cheques, worrying about items getting lost in the post more free postage at the other end too. Makes the gift better value. Very well the gift and practice. Just had the money to print it, takes the right program. But it is always a pleasure to that it offers. Perfect transaction, delivery on time, ultra-fast.... I recommend this product which enables you to provide without too much miss and without much take the lead. Presentation nice. I don't get tired of this excellent formula Amazon that allows me to bring pleasure to those I love in many ways... For people who are at a distance and that I don't know always what to buy (a couple of young friends who just had a baby for example, I think it is better that they choose themselves between a pajamas, a toy, or an accessory child care...



1 Ounce 30mL,1,1/2 Ounce 1,2,12 Clear Acrylic,1,12 Clear Plastic,1,4 Ounce Stainless,1,4oz 1/2,2,5 oz. Cast,2,5.5-Inch Mini Clear,1,Adcraft,1,Adcraft KS-14,1,American Metalcraft,3,American Metalcraft NSPDS10 3-1/5 oz,1,American Metalcraft SPNP2,1,American Metalcraft SPNP6,1,BISS,15,BISS Basic,1,Browne 573306 4-2/3 oz,1,Browne 5745 5 oz,1,Browne Foodservice,2,Candy Scoop Set,1,Candy Scoops,1,ChefLand,1,ChefLand 85-Ounce,1,Clear Candy Scoops,1,Darice,1,David Tutera Collection,1,Excellante,4,Excellante Ice Cream,1,Excellante Ice Scoop,2,Excellante Stainless Steel,1,Food Service Supply,6,Home,2,Kitchen,30,Lab Supply,11,Lawn & Patio,1,Misc.,10,New Star 34547,1,New Star 34561,1,New Star 34585,1,New Star 34608,1,New Star 34622,1,New Star 34684,1,New Star 34707,1,New Star 34721,1,New Star Foodservice,9,New Star Foodservice 42801,1,OnlineScienceMall,5,OTC,1,Outdoor Living,1,Panacea,1,Panacea 83002,1,Pet Buddies,1,Pet Buddies PB2304,1,Pet Products,1,Pet Supplies,1,Royal Industries,1,Royal Industries Scoop,1,Rubbermaid Commercial,1,Rubbermaid Commercial Food,1,San Jamar,1,San Jamar SI5000,1,Stainless Steel Bar,1,Super Z Outlet,1,Update International,4,Update International SCP-12C 12 Oz,1,Update International Stainless,1,Vollrath,1,Vollrath 47152,1,Winco,6,Winco AS-12,1,Winco AS-24,1,Winco AS-38,1,Winco AS-58,1,Winco AS-85,1,
Scoops: No Questions - Check Online For Natural Plastic Measure Measuring Scoops
No Questions - Check Online For Natural Plastic Measure Measuring Scoops
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